Thursday, March 24, 2011

Disney Movies....Disneyland....

It is probably my fault that my son does not like Disney movies. In fact when he learned that we would be going to Disneyland he told me to stay home. Disney kills off the mom's in its movies and he was concerned about my safety. I assured him this was not something that crosses over to the theme park....(to my knowledge....I haven't heard of any momicide at the parks...)
     We were of the small almost minuscule group of people who did not like the movie UP. Both my son and I cried and cried and almost walked out of the movie. It was horrible. I hope I don't ruin the movie for those who haven't seen it, but then perhaps it will discourage others from seeing that nightmare.....So the main female character dies....(of course) without fulfilling her life long dream....then the main male character has to fight his childhood hero who is trying to KILL him....all the while dogs are in horrid danger of falling to their death. Nice.
We felt the same way about Finding Nemo....slasher movie for and all the siblings killed with in the first few moments of the movie....what, just because it is a cartoon the concept is okay?
I know I am alone in this, well not alone....I have convinced my children that these movies are horrendous. Perhaps I have robbed them of a part of American Childhood. I know that my mom felt the same way I do. Perhaps she passed this along to me? Her worst film memory is of Dumbo and Bambi. Both traumatic I did not grow up watching these movies. In fact the first time I ever saw a full length Disney Movie was when I was babysitting. I was asked to put in The little Mermaid.
I did and was completely stressed out during the movie. The kids loved it! Perhaps I was a little brainwashed..... I just didn't see the magic.
Back to my son and his perception of Disney movies.....there was an experience at California Adventure that my daughter insisted on attending....I think it was called "Chatting with Crush" Or something like get to interact with the turtle Crush from the movie Finding Nemo. He comes on to the screen and swims around but talks to you! He seems to be able to see the kids and grown ups, he makes comments and answers in lies the problem.....
We went in and both my kids pushed past me and down to the front to sit on the floor with all the other kids....I do not sit on the floor very gracefully so I ended up sitting three rows back and to the left. I could barely see my kids....except when Crush asked if anyone had a question for him....then I saw my son practically stand up and wave his hand in the air....suddenly I had a memory flash of my son telling me that he was going to ask one of the characters at the park why Disney hates moms and kills them off....I panic, of course and think he is going to scar all these poor little kids with his question! I am behind them making that famous mom noise. You know when you want to get someones attention so you can give them the evil eye....I was trapped by a large gang member looking man so I couldn't just get up!
     Luckily that turtle must have sensed the kid who was so eager to ask a question was up to no good. He did not ever call on my son, who handled this quite well. When we were finally leaving I caught up with them on the way out and said I was sorry he didn't get to ask his the way what were you going to ask?
He said, "Oh I was going to ask how many miles per hour turtles can swim."
I laughed, "Geez I thought you were going to ask why all the mom's die!"
He just looked at me,
"No mom. I wouldn't do that!"
Thank goodness. I don't need to worry about corrupting all the children in the world......just my own.

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