When and if my son decides that he likes you....watch out! He will semi-stalk you....well mostly he can't because we wont let him, but he has stalker like qualities. He loves too much and up until now he has avoided any problems by, well.....not having any friends. Things have changed and so has my son. Now he has friends. and parties, and yes even SLEEPOVERS! What?! Yes you heard right. He was invited to his first birthday party sleepover! He has spent the night at other people's homes, but only a handful of times....he probably wanted to more....but who knows?
When we got the invitation I was both thrilled and afraid. Would he drive them all crazy? Would he try to isolate the birthday boy and make sure no other child could come near him?
Hopefully not but I do have my reasons to worry.
Long long ago when I was more active in my kids lives....(yes it is possible I have backed off...after being called a helicopter parent a few too many times to be funny)
I use to run an after school program called "Roots and Shoots". It was great, we all learned about endangered animals and the environment and social issues....One nice spring day we were gathered around talking about being friends, and how to be kind, and not become a bully. The timing of what happened next can only be explained by one thing. This is my life.
I am literally telling the group that in our family we are always kind to each other and we do not ever lay our hands on someone out of anger.....Blah Blah Blah....
Off to the side and out of my radar was my son....realizing his dear friend had....Gasp....another friend. This was not okay. This boy was to only be friends with one person....my son....so while I went on, and on about how great of a family we are; non violent, and wise, and kind, my son walked over and punched the "other friend" right in the stomach!
Thankfully this boy really did come from a good home, and did not punch my son back....I was able to remove my sobbing uncontrollable child from the scene and piece my ego back together enough to finish the day.....
It was horrible. I do not know how to describe the feeling. I felt so sad for my son, who just couldn't share, I felt awful for the boy who had been punched since he did nothing at all wrong.....yet I couldn't help myself....I was a little mad at boy number one who was ignoring my son. I guess it is because we have all been there? We have all looked up to someone, wished they could be our friend, only to see that we, well.....just weren't the only thing going.
A little older, and a whole lot more in control, my son was now about to embark on a sleep over adventure that I was pretty sure would end in bloodshed. Here was this awesome older boy who my son thought was, well.....awesome and he was going to his house! ALL NIGHT! I barely got a goodbye at the door and when I finally finished talking to his parents....my son looked at me and said, "See you tomorrow!" With a look in his eye like I would soon meet my doom if I did not vacate the premises.....
He is very protective of those he cares for. He once came between two brothers who were fighting and attacked one of them.....He later explained that he loved them both so much he just couldn't bare to see them fight.
Not really an acceptably social way of handling things....so in my mind there is no good that can come from my son at a sleepover with five other boys! Too many opportunities to attack.....
Well what really happened was nothing. My son had a great time.... he was charming and funny (according to him)
He did apparently drop trou at one point....but boys do these things right? They moon each other? I really don't know....maybe I should be worried.....we will see if he is invited back. He did teach them all a neat little thing he likes to call "The Nipple Family Reunion".
This "reunion" is accomplished when, while being shirtless, one pushes their nipples towards each other and then they shout, (what else) "Nipple Family Reunion!"
I don't know what to do about these kinds of things, so I laugh. I hope this boy and his family did too....I know the boy and the other party goers participated in the reunion.....it was a secret weapon against the poor girls who came. All orchestrated by none other than my son.....the life of the party.
Who knew?
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